Harrison Fraser

Creating brands,
creating places

Racecourse Association

Bringing together the racecourses of Great Britain

  • Identity
  • Print
  • Digital

Formed in 1907, The Racecourse Association (RCA) serves the interests of their 59 member racecourses to empower them to be the best venues they can be.

The RCA is a progressive organisation that aims to provide leadership to and representation of racecourses; and to do this the time was ripe for an identity that reflected the racecourses of the 21st century.

As long-standing partners to the RCA, H:F were well placed to understand the nature of their brand and how it could be translated visually.

The core concept for the identity was ‘Bringing together the racecourses of Great Britain’ and demonstrated by a marque that took the straights and curves of well-known British racecourses and interwove them together. A new colour palette was chosen, with the bright green reflecting the fresh turf and the dark purple grounding the identity with a sense of authority. The identity was brought online with a new website to match.

“As an organisation we try to empower our members to be as good as they want to be, so it’s important to be pioneering in our choice of logo… We have gone from being an administrative organisation to a customer-facing organisation.”

Paul Swain, Brand & Experience Manager