Harrison Fraser

Creating brands,
creating places

Gunwharf Quays

Exploring the DNA

  • Strategy
  • Guardianship

Gunwharf Quays has operated successfully in its unique waterside setting for over 20 years. With evolving consumer tastes and the rise of online shopping however, the mixed-use development and outlet centre was looking to refresh.

H:F have been partners with Landsec since 2017 on Gunwharf Quays, exploring future opportunities and sharing international precedents from Australia and Singapore to the US to inform its future development.

Most recently, H:F’s role has been to understand the central ethos or DNA of Gunwharf Quays, sometimes referred to as the ‘Genus Loci’ of a place, to inform the architecture and masterplanning, marketing, and offer of the destination; and ultimately, to differentiate it from competition and to draw a broader, more international, mix of visitors.

Exploring this DNA, H:F looked into the visual language of premium outlet villages, target customers based on CACI catchment data, and character areas or districts that would reflect the changing feel of the environment as a guest moves through the site. At its heart, Gunwharf Quays would combine the best of premium outlet uniquely located in a world-class historic waterfront setting.